Made for HawkesJam #1

Play as a doctor, as well as a wizard, who shrinks themselves to enter their patients' bodies and fight off diseases. At the end of each wave, you may select a spell to obtain (or upgrade). 

This game is quite difficult. I'd recommend starting off on easy mode.


  • WASD to move
  • Scroll or Q and E to switch spells


Player Sprite

Floor, enemies, immune cells, and blood sprites



bionaut.exe 88 MB
Version 3 Apr 04, 2024
bionaut.x86_64 81 MB
Version 3 Apr 04, 2024

Development log


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Hey! Got this error message from the console upon booting it in HTMl5 on Firefox! Hope this helps :)

Error: Couldn’t load project data at path “.”. Is the .pck file missing? If you’ve renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable’s name (without the extension).


Nice Game, Graphics seem a bit inconsistent But I love this game. This concept is so Cool and unqiue!


319 Score!!!!   ya

How on earth did you achieve 319?? This is hardly playable, you can't even get through the first wave properly. You have to get too close to the creatures to hit them and hitting is sooOoOOoo slow.

not sure, i think i just got lucky